
Ballet is a fun way to learn to dance. By dancing together, children learnduring ballet class to work in groups. On top of that, it stimulates their imagination becausethey have to pretend they are holding a balloon, for example, or pretend they are a plantgrowing....

We open our pink doors back on Tuesday the 1st of September for a new dance season full of lessons and lots of dancing fun! ?You can find the new lesson plan in the Ballet Workout App. Make sure you have the latest update...

Instead of using a barre, you can also use a stool, a chair, a kitchen counter and even a kitchen bench can all be used as a barre to shift your weight and hold it. If you don't have a yoga mat you can use...

Bras basFirst positionSecond positionThird positionAllongé BRAS BASBras bass is also called "preparatory position. The arms are held down in front of the body in the shape of an oval. The hands are in front of the hips. Imagine that you have a big balloon in your...

There are 6 positions in ballet. Every exercise starts and finishes in one of them so it's important that you know them well! First, second and third position on the feetFourth, fifth and sixth position on the feet First position: With an outward rotation from the hips,...

Movement of the arms in which you move the arms to different positions. The shoulders remain down and the movement is continuous. The shape of the arms is nicely rounded, without angular or "hanging" elbows or fingers sticking out. Fingers are in a natural relaxed...

This is a ballet movement that can be done in all positions. The dancer with bends and extends the knees. All steps in ballet come down tobending and stretching the knees. That is why in my method I pay a a lot of attention to...

This is a classic ballet term and means "throw". The leg goes up into the air at a 30-degree angle. This can be forward, sideways or backward. The battement jeté is an important foundation for many jumps and trains the legs to go in the...

In this exercise, the working foot slides forward, sideways or backward on the ground and usually starts in the first or fifth position.This foot extends fully and then returns to the starting position. In battement tendu, you learn to perform each direction correctly: forward, sideways...

This term designates the position in which the dancer stands on one leg (specifically the standing leg). The other leg (this is the working leg) is raised in a turned out manner behind the body. The knees are both stretched. ...

You inextricably associate a ballerina with elegant movements. The good news is that you can teach elegance, you don't even have to be a professional ballerina. Practising elegance can be done every day. By focusing on the posture of your head, watching your arm movements,...

Those who take ballet classes automatically come into contact with classical music. Composers, known and less known (piano) pieces: they all pass in review. The Ballet Workout App pieces are played by a pianist who works already more than 20 years in the Royal Balletschool...

Research has shown that ballet helps with parkinson's. More so, it is sometimes used as concrete therapy. Thanks to the physical exertion, dopamine and endorphins are released, making ballet a very rewarding remedy for depression. Research at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New...

In fitness or other physical training, you use the part of the brain responsible for physical efforts. Ballet activates the parts of your brain that are necessary for physical exercise, but in addition, you also need the parts that make it possible to memorize choreography,...

Since ballerinas don't want a large volume of muscles, but still need a lot of strength, in ballet workout exercises you mainly use the deep muscles.These particular muscles are closer to your bones and will make you stronger from the inside out without creating extra...

I often do get the comment that muscles are used that my students didn't know existed before. That is completely true, you will be using muscles you didn't even know you had. But that can only be a good thing because in this way you...

As a professional ballerina, you always dance lengthwise and try to maµke each movement as big as possible. The bigger the movement, the more beautiful from the stage. With that thought in mind, I developed all my exercises. We will never pump up the muscles...

If you have a sedentary job, it is more than likely that you suffer from occasional pain in your (lower) back, shoulders or arms. After all, we spend a large time of the day behind our desk and we do not always do so in...

For adults, ballet is an excellent way to take your mind off things. The stress of work, worries at home or personal issues are pushed aside by focusing on the body. In ballet the rule is that when you enter the ballet studio, you leave...

The Ballet Workout is a unique method built on the basic elements of classical ballet. The program was specially developed so that no dance orfitness experience is required. From young to old(er), everyone can work out with it. You decide for yourself how far you...

It is important to know what your talents and strengths are, to accentuate them and build on them. Practising with a negative mindset and self-hatred doesn't get you to the right results and can make you feel upset. Look at yourself in the mirror with...

For a dancer, the body is everything. Every exercise, step, stretch position and pose is measured and well thought out, so you can look the most beautiful and elegant look. But what about the way you think and feel? What you think is not merely...

Ballet Workout has a physical school for adults and children in Belgium. Our school has over 3000 members and we organise yearly shows where everyone gets the chance to dance on stage in a historical French theatre and feel like a real ballerina. For many,...

I’m Tatevik Mkrtoumian, a professional ballerina and the founder of the Ballet Workout Belgium school (over 3000 members in Belgium), app and book. I inherited my passion for ballet from my parents who both are ballet dancers. I started ballet when I was 5 years...

Ballet is een leuke manier om te leren dansen. Door samen te dansen, leren kinderentijdens de balletles te werken in groep. Daarbovenop stimuleert het hun fantasie, doordatze bijvoorbeeld moeten doen alsof ze een ballon vasthouden of alsof ze een plantzijn die groeit. Bovendien leren ze...

In ballet there are 6 feet positions. Each movement starts or finishes in one of the positions. ...

BRAS BAS is also called "preparatory position". The arms are held down in front of the body, in the shape of an oval. The hands are in front of the hips. Imagine that you have a large balloon in your arms and feel the resistance....

We openen onze roze deuren terug op dinsdag 1 september voor een nieuw dansseizoen vol lessen en heel veel dansplezier. ?De nieuwe lessenplanning vind je in de Ballet Workout App. Zorg dat je de laatste update hebt (of update via de apps tore of google play) bij Wifi verbinding...

⚡️?We zijn heel blij om jullie te mogen vertellen dat we vanaf maandag onze roze deuren terug openen! ?⚡️Enkele voorwaarden voor de veilige opening van onze school:1. De Ballet Workout App heeft een nieuwe functie waarbij het aantal deelnemers gelimiteerd is. Max 20 personen per...

⚡️?We zijn heel blij om jullie te mogen vertellen dat we vanaf maandag onze roze deuren terug openen! ?⚡️Enkele voorwaarden voor de veilige opening van onze school:1. De Ballet Workout App heeft een nieuwe functie waarbij het aantal deelnemers gelimiteerd is. Max 20 personen per...

Volg een gratis Live les! Klink hier voor Live Beginners Stretching Klink hier voor Live Beginners Les Klink hier voor Korte Beginners/Pre Advanced Bekijk onze Facebook en Instagram Pagina voor meer Live Balletlessen tijdens de Corona lockdown. ...

Ballet Workout presenteert 'EEN REIS ROND DE WERELD'Choreografie en regie door Olga Mkrtoumian. TICKETS: Tickets zijn beschikbaar in de Ballet Workout Lessen en via onze leden. Reserveren kan via mail naar Prijs €35. DATUM&TIJD: zaterdag 16 mei 2020 om 19:00 (de voorstelling...

Do you feel stiff after class or are you feeling tired lately? Magnesium is a mineral that helps your muscles relax. Magnesium-rich foods are: apples, spinach, nuts, bananas, salmon, chickpeas. You can also take magnesium supplements that you can find in the pharmacy. There are...

Arabesque, is a body position in which a dancer stands on one leg–the supporting leg–with the other leg–the working leg–turned out and extended behind the body, with both legs held straight. These are the 3 arabesque positions. First arabesque (arms and legs in and open position...

We hebben heel wat leuke events die plaatvinden tussen september en december. Hieronder alvast alle informatie op Een romantische en intensieve les met choreografie samen met je Boyfriend of Man van je dromen ?? WAT:Kan je vriend een betere postuur en meer lenigheid gebruiken? Of...

Welcome to the Ballet Workout APP! This app is made so that you can exercise and stretch anytime and anywhere. Set a goal for yourself and never miss a training with the notification function. Here you will also find tips and recipes. About Tatevik: I'm a professional...

Vanaf nu organiseren Ballet Workout met Live Piano! In onze balletlessen voor volwassen in Antwerpen zal er nu 2 keer in de week een pianist aanwezig zijn elke woensdag en vrijdag! Voor de lessen met de pianist mag je een symbolishe bedrage van €1 in...

Do you want to attend a class in the Ballet Workout school? Simply send an email to You can find the schedule in this app by clicking on your photo in the right corner and then clicking on Class Schedule. In order to see the...

You don't have a ballet barre at home? No problem! Just hold onto the back of a chair, counter, door handle or even just a wall. Make sure you have place to move your legs.  ...

     Dans In De Sneeuw - Tatevik Mkrtoumian Onverwacht viel er sneeuw in Antwerpen. Ik trok mijn tutu aan en ging buiten dansen om de Ballet Workout leden te motiveren om ondanks de sneeuw toch naar de lessen te komen en fysiek actief te zijn...

I was asked the question "How often do you think I should attend the class?" During my ballet education I was always told, "every day you don't exercise is a step back". I used to practice 8 hours of ballet and dance a day at The...

Ballet class makeup is a bit different from your everyday makeup as here you have to consider the general ballet class etiquette and the fact that you will sweat. Follow these tips to look like a pro ballerina in class: Foundation: Don't apply too heavy foundation...

Using muscles you never used before Now that the Ballet Workout has started and a lot of women have tried it out, I have had a lot of questions about muscles and pain. I'm not a doctor and speak only out of my own experience. As I have...

Afvallen met Ballet Workout Om mee te doen met de Ballet Workout lessen voor volwassenen in Antwerpen hoef je geen ballerina lichaam te hebben. Natuurlijk wil je dat je lichaam strakker, gezonder en fitter wordt door de wekelijkse lessen. Deze tips helpen je om meer fysieke...

Redenen genoeg om te beginnen met Ballet als volwassen vrouw! 1)Soepele lichaam: 'Felxibility is yought’. Je lichaam soepel houden is essentieel om jong te blijven. Je hoeft niet lenig te zijn om mee te doen met onze Ballet Workout, daar werken we aan tijdens de les....

Toonmoment Ballet Workout Op 22 April 2017 organiseerde Ballet Workout Belgium een toonmoment voor vrienden en familie van de Ballet Workout Leden. De vrouwen die wilden meedoen met het toonmoment kregen een choreografie aangeleerd die ze dan brachten voor een publiek. Veel volwassen vrouwen stonden voor...

I have noticed that a lot of women are a bit nervous when coming to class. I can imagine that a lot of women have the impression that ballet classes are very strict, difficult and are only for those with a certain age, talent and...

Aside from the grace, elegance and beauty of this dance form, ballet is really a total body workout, as well as a mental cleanse all in one. Here are the Top 7 benefits of Ballet Workout: Long and Lean Muscles. It tones and sculpts your body. Ballet...

A lot of girls in class have asked me about how to care for your dance wear. So here is a blog post where I explain you how it's done in the professional ballet world. The best way to treat your dance wear is to treat...

Gazet Van Antwerpen op bezoek bij Ballet Workout! “Heerlijk om samen met mijn dochter ballet te dansen” - door Katrijn Serneels Antwerpen - Op je 36ste je eerste balletles volgen, samen met je dochter? “Waarom niet, ik leerde ook dansen met mijn moeder”, zegt Tatevik Mkrtoumian, oprichtster van...